Study Groups Helped Me Gain Confidence Daily And They Will Work For YOU Too

Dear Confidence Seeker,


In the past, I was unhappy, so I decided to improve my life.  I intuitively knew I had low confidence and self-esteem, and wanted to improve these.  I just didn’t know how.  I went online to and typed in confidence and self-esteem and thousands of books came up.  I didn’t know which books would work for me. I was confused and overwhelmed, and did what I always did when I got into this state.  I rationalized, complained, procrastinated, and talked myself out of changing my life.  Until one day I'd uncovered a study group for the book Fearless Living, by Rhonda Britton.


That study group was powerful for me, because I got in touch with my fear.  Fear that ran my life, and prevented me from living a joyful life. The insights, the lessons, and support I received from attending the study group helped propelled me on my journey toward personal growth. 

Do you need support on your confidence-building journey?
Now, let me introduce you to the Confidence Study Group

Confidence Study Group Experience

Sharing timeeach member gets the opportunity to update the group on their progress. This gives them time to share, also leaves plenty of time to learn and interact as a group.

Support buddies  - members can ask each other to become a support buddy, someone they can call between meetings.

Accountabilityeach week announce to the group your weekly goal.  Putting your goal out in the open can become the motivation you need to achieve your goal.

• Confidentialityevery member will be asked to sign a confidentiality agreement.  This will encourage people to open up.  Members may be sharing something sensitive, so lets honor them by creating a ‘safe’ environment. 

Finding your own patheach member in the group can request help, but will be encouraged to find their own answers. Support, not advice will be given.

Did you know group studying has long been a successful function? Studying with others in a small group is helpful because you share ideas, and learn from each other.

The Confidence Study Group can provide a built-in network of people just like you who are working to build confidence

Here are the reasons the Confidence Study Group is much more than just an ordinary study group.

That’s right! Besides participating in a successful study group environment; you’ll also receive tools to help you break through the barriers that have held you back

·         Group Life Coaching

·         Group Guided Imagery

Diane is a wonderful coach.  She has a great talent for being able to help people see things from a different perspective.  When I feel stuck in whatever current drama is happening in my life she keeps working with me until I can see the light at the end of the tunnel, and take the first step to go toward that light.  She has a unique way of sharing her own life experiences with her clients. You know this is someone who has worked through alot of things in her own life and is willing to share her insights and knowledge with others. She has helped me to find courage and strength inside myself that I did not know existed.  Jeanette Zinser.  Denver, CO

Wait there’s more

I know, with a busy schedule, you might not be able to attend a session.  No problem, all sessions will be recorded.  You will be able to download the audio, and replay as often as you like, giving yourself the benefits of being able to listen at your leisure.

If you ever heard Yourself Saying: "I Wish I Knew How To Build Confidence" then sign up for a study group today.

Here’s what you get in every study group


  • Weekly intimate classes
  • Group Support with built-in networking
  • Group Coaching to help you build confidence
  • Guided Imagery to help you see, feel, hear and experience confidence.
  • MP3 replay of each session

Be part of a network of people just like you who are working to build confidence.  Get support, and give support.  Share you fears, insights and successes.  Strengthen your weakness and release the issues that are keeping you from having the life you deserve.

I’ve read so many wonderful self-help books; each book has provided me an insight, or technique I could incorporate to change my life and experience joy. 


Now you can do the same.
Click here to find the right study group for you

Copyright ©2008. All Rights Reserved.

Diana Vento, Make Life ChangesMorrisville, Pa 19067


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